Course Introduction 

The psychodiagnostics course strives to present adequate representation about the diversity of contemporary Psychodiagnostics and Assessment methods; learning of the current world ethical standards of psychological diagnostics and assessment activity; technology of test reliability determination that obtained by different Psychodiagnostics methods; studying of classical and contemporary intellect diagnostic approaches, Psychodiagnostics of personality characteristics and achievements potential of the person. 

Course Objectives 

At the end of this course students should be able 

● To help the participants understand the basic concepts of psychiatric diagnosis and assessment 

● To help participants get acquainted with the various areas of diagnostic assessment and the principles governing them 

● To familiarize participants with the most commonly used assessments in practice 

● To help participants understand the basic principles of diagnostic formulation 

● To help participants learn and appreciate the art of reporting assessments and making reliable interpretations 

 Course Outcomes 

● Demonstrate the art of test construction and development of the norms of psychodiagnostics tools

● Learn the art of conducting a psychiatric interview, administering and interpreting the various psychodiagnostics tools 

● Demonstrate the art of preparing psychological test reports 

● Demonstrate the ethics and professionalism in psychological assessments