In the world of philosophy, the School of Advaita Vedānta has contributed a lot to the field of making the social alignment. The unique tenet of Advaita Vedanta is oneness which gives the power for sustaining equality and harmony in society.  Though oneness is not identified the notion of oneness is itself provides such power. The philosophy of Advaita Vedānta shows the road for attaining its chief goal in which detachment is a necessary brick through only which the attachment can be broken which is a powerful obstacle in the way of identifying oneness. Our modern society is full of diversities.  People are divided into different communities, religions and so on. These diversities sometimes cause many problems in society. In this condition, the notion of oneness can only change these diversities into unity. The book Bhagavad Gītā is chosen for providing some strategy to come out from this diversity. This book has its own importance. In some ways, it also describes the social conducts in order to describe the behaviour and attributes of a person who is enlightened.
