This paper inculcates in students the skills by providing them with the intellectual tools to develop the ability to examine international events and processes. It enables them to assess the contributions and shortcomings of various theories in International Relations. It gives a holistic view on the complexities of International political system and politics of trade and economics. It also gives an understanding of the interventions by the states to support the poor, aged and sick. The intensified action to fight pollution and environmental degradation are also included within the ambit of political economy. The subject critically analyses various regional and political groups and their geopolitical intend. The paper also introduces the students to various concepts of comparative politics. It discusses various theoretical approaches necessary for comparative analyses of the dynamics of political developments in different political systems.

Course Objectives

1. Broad understanding of the perspectives of global issues such as international politics, theories and approaches. 

2. Build knowledge of the evolution, operations and complexity of regional and global international order dealing with the issues above mentioned. 

3. Broad understanding of the Trade theories and various international economic and political groupings, institutions and their role.

4. Broad understanding of the comparative politics with method identifying analogies to connect it to real time case studies in the international system. 

Course Outcomes

After the course completion, the student will

  1. Develop an understanding of global issues based on theoretical frameworks of international politics. 

  2. Learn the evolution, operations and complexities of the making of an international order.

  3. Learn International Trade theories and various international economic and political groupings, institutions and their role. 

  4. Acquire skill to apply analogies to contemporary real time case studies in the international systems.

The course Idea of Development: Theory and Praxis lays a foundation for the future leaders on various theories of development to strive for better social transformation. The students will gain knowledge and understanding of development praxis and garner deeper insights about current research and development works.  

Course Objective

The course aims to  

  1. Students will gain the ability to comprehend and introspect various aspects of development.

  2. Students will gain perspectives of various sociological, economical and environmental  aspects of interventions and approaches of development.

Course Outcome

On successful completion of the course the student will be able to:

  1. Comprehend and introspect various aspects of development. 

  2. Intervene, comprehend and strategize development sociological, economical and environmental.

Today, the World is governed by data and it has become a costly affair. Most of the government policies and recommendations are backed by relevant data. Data patterns are analysed, interpreted and studied before formulating and legislating a policy. This paper on Data Analytics will equip students to critically analyse data using various data analytics tools to reach an informed decision. The subject also introduces the concept of Data visualisation and Data Mining.

Course Objective

  1. Appreciate various tools and techniques for Data Analytics

  2. The students will be able to create visualizations using the tools learnt during the course.

  3. Students will be able to assess and measure the outcomes of various public policy decisions based on data.

Course OutcomeS

The students shall be able to 

  1. Apply select tools and techniques for Data Analytics. 

  2. Create visualisations using the tools learnt during the course.  

  3. Assess and measure the outcomes of various public policy decisions based on data. 

  4. Analyse and frame data-based/evidence-based public opinion on a policy.

Dharma and Niti, though separate ontological concepts, have developed inseparable long standing inter-linkages due to the prominent role of ‘Raja’ found in Dharmasastras and Puranas. The course on fundamentals of Dharmasastra and Nitisastra in first part shall discuss major concepts of both the sastras and then later on address the issue of inter-linkages between these two concepts. Special emphasis shall be given in contrasting the characteristic features of Dharma and Niti to that of the modern conceptions of Law.

This course has been offered to introduce the students with the most interesting as well challenging subjects of Indian Jurisprudence called Dharma and Nīti. The course will explore the concept of dharma with regard to the Indian philosophies, and Sastras. This course will be like a stimulus to read the texts related to Dharma and Niti and to think about their adaptations to contemporary life, legal systems and theory of governance. 

Course Objectives

  1. To develop a conceptual understanding of Dharma and Niti, relying on the original texts and interpretations of scholars trained in Indian Knowledge Traditions.

  2. To discern the epistemology of human organisation models reflected in various shastras, especially Dharma Shastra.

  3. To develop a methodology for learning texts pertaining to Dharma and Niti, through discussions and deliberations in the classroom

Course Outcomes

The students will be able to 

  1. Develop understanding about the concepts like Dharma, Achara, Vyavahara, and Niti   

  2. Approach Sastras to understand Dharma and Nīti systematically while using the methods of interpretation.

  3. Develop an interdisciplinary understanding between the Dharmasastras and Contemporary Jurisprudence/ Policy Science.