This paper on Public Policy Communication equips students to critically evaluate public policy and governance. Students will be able to devise a plan to communicate the implementation of new policies to the public and to all the stakeholders involved. This paper enables students to understand how public opinion is constructed in the society and how various media are employed to shift public opinion. It also introduces various theories of communication to deliver a comprehensive understanding of multiple communication skills in policy and advocacy. Students will learn the practical aspects of policy communication such as writing policy briefs and position papers as well as the tools and strategies of policy advocacy

Public policy communciation.pdfPublic policy communciation.pdf

This paper on Global Governance Agenda and International Organisations provides an overview of the evolution of International Political System and basic concepts of International Relations. It is deemed to review world politics in the context of Globalisation. It will also expose students to the structure and functioning of various regional and international organisations such as the United Nations, European Union, World Bank, etc. The paper discusses norms that govern state practices in particular issue areas like cross-border humanitarian aid, international trade, geo-politics, taxation, etc. The paper also examines transnational relations of non-state actors such as non- governmental organisations (NGOs) and multinational corporations as well as governmental relations of sub-national governments and government agencies that shape policymaking at a global level.

Course Outcomes

  1. Students will gain Knowledge in the historical evolution of International Relations, Global Governance, Diplomacy in general and multilateral diplomacy in particular. 

  2. Students will understand the structure, operation and membership of key international organisations. 

  3. Students will learn to evaluate how international actors as well as political dynamics address key issues and areas of global governance like climate change and other environmental issues. 

Evaluation Pattern:

  1. Examination - CO1

  2. Student Lecture - CO2

  3. Assignment and Presentation - CO3