The soul of Pāṇinian grammar (vyākaraṇa) is in the derivational methods

(prakriyās) codified into aphoristic (sūtra-style) rules in Pāṇini’s Aṣṭādhyāyī.

These rules have been ordered in a particular way, which is in fact the key to its

long-lasting centrality to the tradition of studying Sanskrit grammar.

As Professor Pushpa Dikshit writes in her introduction to the Navya-Siddhānta-


पाणिनिः क्रम एवास्ति क्रम एव तपःफलम्

क्रमहानेः परा हानिः शाब्दिकस्य विद्यते

“(The soul of) Pāṇini is (in) the krama (the order of sūtras in the Aṣṭādhyāyī) alone.

The krama is the fruit of (Pāṇini’s) penance. To destroy the krama is the greatest

destruction, but one who studies vyākaraṇa (properly) does not face this


There are presently two popular methods of studying Pāṇinian grammar. One

method is to study the sūtras and their meanings directly from Pāṇini’s

Pāṇinīyā Pauṣpī Prakriyā I Page | 2

Aṣṭādhyāyī, in the order they are given. The sutras in the Aṣṭādhyāyī, arranged

according to their anuvṛttis (repetition or recurrence of words from previous

rules), have been placed in a logical order. The adhikāras (governing rules),

anuvṛttis, and the knowledge of the order of the sūtras are the life of the

Aṣṭādhyāyī. Studying and understanding these from the Aṣṭādhyāyī directly will

make the inner workings of the Aṣṭādhyāyī clear, but it is very difficult to gain

access to the technique of prakriyā (the process of the etymological formation of

words) in this way.

The second method of studying Pāṇinian grammar is the prakriyā method.

Prakriyā texts primarily put forth the “application” of the Aṣṭādhyāyī’s sutras

(rather than maintaining the original order of the Aṣṭādhyāyī). For the sake of this

application, all the sutras that are required in a particular process are brought into

play there itself. By doing this, the original order and arrangement of the sūtras in

the Aṣṭādhyāyī is broken. Hence, students of the prakriyā texts are unable to

understand the essence of the governing rules (adhikāra-sūtras). It is for this

reason that even after putting in a tremendous amount of effort, while these

students are able to form words, they do not understand why they are able to form

these words.

Thus a method that explains the system of Pāṇini’s Aṣṭādhyāyī clearly and gives

not only one application of each sūtra in a particular prakriyā, but also the

application of that sūtra in all contexts at once in a repetitive way is an absolute

necessity. It is this method that Professor Pushpa Dikshit has presented in her

Pāṇinīyā Pauṣpī Prakriyā, using which a student may absorb the entire

Aṣṭādhyāyī in six months.

Course Outline for Paushpi Prakriya I.pdfCourse Outline for Paushpi Prakriya I.pdf