
This course will provide an overview of biological basis of behaviour fundamentals of neuropsychology. Further, to develop an understanding of the brain-behaviour relationship and psychological and neurological functioning. The course will also introduce the neurological disorders and neuropsychological testing. The aim of the course to enable students to gain knowledge in neuropsychology and neuropsychological testing.  The course will prepare students to take up advanced courses in clinical psychology.

 Course Objectives

1.     To explore and enable the students to understand biological basis of experience and behaviour and fundamentals of neuropsychology 

2.     To develop an understanding of relationship of Brain-behaviour  and psychological disorders and neuropsychology

3.     To develop an understanding of the neurological dysfunction and disorders.

4.     To enable students to gain skills in neuropsychological testing  

Course Outline Introduction to Neuropsychology.pdfCourse Outline Introduction to Neuropsychology.pdf

This course is designed to help the post graduate students develop the knowledge and skills necessary to engage in effective scientific communication. Topics covered in this course progress from introduction to scientific writing through topics such as reading and thinking; beginning to write; contents; style and grammar; reference citations; computer skills; to revising.

Scientific Writing_Course Outline_PS 646.docxScientific Writing_Course Outline_PS 646.docx


The course provides a grounding into the broader perspective on health and illness in the bio-psycho-social contexts.  The students are introduced to need and scope of health Psychology, conceptual understanding of health and its concomitants. Health compromising and promoting behaviours as well as interventions are discussed. Students are expected to equally focus on coping, social support and resilience. The course facilitates an appreciation of contextual and cultural factors in addition to the bio-medical models of health, illness through out the lifespan. Finally future challenges in health in the Indian context are discussed. 


Course Objectives:

1.       To introduce health psychology as a broader field of enquiry that examines bio- medical, social and cultural conceptualizations of health, illness and well-being.

2.       To facilitate a detailed study of health interventions, health promoting and health compromising behaviors

3.       To examine the role of coping, social support, resilience and interventions in health, illness and well-being.

4.       To analyze  the present and future health challenges in the Indian context

Course Outline Health Psychology.pdfCourse Outline Health Psychology.pdf

This paper is aimed at providing the learners an overview of I/O Psychology by describing the various individual, group, and organizational issues at work. This paper also intends at enhancing the understanding of the learner about the world of work and related concerns. The areas covered in the paper include employee selection, placement, training, performance appraisal, motivation and leadership. The paper also intends to give an understanding about attitudes, satisfaction, personality, values and the reactions of employees and employers in an organization. Students also study about the issues related to people in organization and the workplace.

Industrial and Work Psychology.pdfIndustrial and Work Psychology.pdf

Organizational Behaviour (OB), a specialization course, introduces a detailed description of OB. The course further explores persons in organizations at an individual and collective level. The course also examines as to how persons in organizations can be influenced through effective communication, motivational and leadership strategies. Finally, this course examines various organizational processes such as culture of organizations, organizational conflicts, etc.

Organizational Behaviour.pdfOrganizational Behaviour.pdf

Entrepreneurship is the activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. It is High level of uncertainty and risk taking is involved in the entrepreneurship process. From a psychological point of view an entrepreneur requires high level of cognitive and affective control to become successful. This paper provides the basic understanding of entrepreneurship development process and suggests deep insights on the psychological basis of the process.

The Psychology in Entrepreneurial Development.pdfThe Psychology in Entrepreneurial Development.pdf